eLiterature & Net Art



The European eLiterature Collection is a project developed as part of The eLiterature Research Project. The aim of the anthology is to provide an essential tool to assist in formalizing e-Literature in Europe. In this respect, the European eLiterature Collection Commission, evaluates, reviews, publishes, and archives works of Electronic Literature by European authors.

Authors of any genres of Digital Literature (es.: hypertext fiction/poetry, interactive fiction/poetry, generative fiction/poetry, interactive drama) may request inclusion in the anthology by writing to the email address: postmaster [at] eliteraturecollection.eu.

Requests should be accompanied by a short author biography and a 120 word description of the work being submitted. Authors can submit up to a maximum of four works per year. The works will be evaluated and reviewed to be hosted and published in the anthology under Creative Common BY-NC-ND 3.0 License (Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs).

eLiterature & Net Art



The European eLiterature Collection is a project developed as part of The eLiterature Research Project. The aim of the anthology is to provide an essential tool to assist in formalizing e-Literature in Europe. In this respect, the European eLiterature Collection Commission, evaluates, reviews, publishes, and archives works of Electronic Literature by European authors.

Authors of any genres of Digital Literature (es.: hypertext fiction/poetry, interactive fiction/poetry, generative fiction/poetry, interactive drama) may request inclusion in the anthology by writing to the email address: postmaster [at] eliteraturecollection.eu.

Requests should be accompanied by a short author biography and a 120 word description of the work being submitted. Authors can submit up to a maximum of four works per year. The works will be evaluated and reviewed to be hosted and published in the anthology under Creative Common BY-NC-ND 3.0 License (Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs).

eLiterature & Net Art
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eLiterature & Net Art

La prima community italiana sulla letteratura e sull'arte digitale !

Hypertextual Fiction, Interactive Fiction, ePoetry, NetArt, ChatterBots ...

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Roberto Gilli "Il primo respiro di Rebecca Hamieh" Vote_lcapRoberto Gilli "Il primo respiro di Rebecca Hamieh" Voting_barRoberto Gilli "Il primo respiro di Rebecca Hamieh" Vote_rcap 


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Daniele Giampà

Daniele Giampà

Numero di messaggi : 119
Età : 44
Località : Zurigo/Svizzera
Data d'iscrizione : 2009-01-27

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PostSubject: Roberto Gilli "Il primo respiro di Rebecca Hamieh"   Roberto Gilli "Il primo respiro di Rebecca Hamieh" EmptyMon Apr 23, 2012 6:38 am

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